Definition of skills gaps and training needs in the wellness and spa sector

Definition of skills gaps and training needs in the wellness and spa sector in seven project participating countries, including four countries beyond the partnership.

Multilingual E-learning and training platform

The e-learning and training platform is an advanced digital learning solution offering a highly interactive and immersive educational experience. It compromises full set of training materials and information, provides a virtual classroom environment that is readily accessible and adaptable to diverse learning scenarios and allows teachers and trainers to review and evaluate the results achieved by trainees from tests and exercises accomplished. As an important instrument for functioning the European Wellness and Spa Network for VET Excellence (EWSNET) the platform is available in 8 European languages.

Curricula for skills development in the wellness and spa sector

Curricula for skills development in the wellness and spa sector designed for EQF level 4 related qualifications and learning materials supporting the curricula – handbook, theoretical exercises, presentations for classes, testing materials

Module "Digital Skills"

Module "Digital marketing" Module "Client Oriented Communication, Service Skills and Problem Solving Skills" Module "Design of Spa and Wellness products" Module "Sustainable development in SPA and Wellness"
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