The project’s main objective is to design transnational curricula and e-learning training content and tools in wellness and spa tourism sector.


  • Updating of skills, new skills for new fully relevant to the labour market in the sector jobs
  • Mobile EU workforce, mobility
  • Matching between skills and labour market needs, bridging the gap between education and work, improving synergy between the worlds of education and work
  • Equipping young people for the job market, fostering studying abroad in EU
  • Equipping adults/employees from the sector being trainees with the missing skills, by using a strong modern personalized didactic tool
  • Enhance job expectations of trainees through up-skilling of the young and adults
  • With mobile app development and the promotion of the app usage, we will try to make wellness and spa tourism sector more appealing, sustainable, advanced and competitive in the EU area


  • VET and CVET providers in tourism
  • Wellness tourism companies
  • Sectoral tourism organisations
  • VET teachers and in-company tutors in the sector
  • VET students
  • National qualification authorities outside the partnership


Identification of the required digital skills of employees in the sector with qualification(s) corresponding to EQF level 4 (integrated into WP3)
Creating and adopting learning materials (handbook, exercises, simulations, tests)
Development of report on findings of skills gaps research in the 7 participating countries and in 4 EU countries beyond the partnership
Development of a specific mobile app and web platform for support training modules
Design of curricula and development of learning materials related to acquiring/improving of the skills identified
Provide trainings for employees from the sector and VET school students implementing the curricula and learning materials developed
Consultation workshops with key stakeholders’ representatives aimed at validation of the curricula developed
Establishment of non-formal new Sectoral Alliance on VET excellence in wellness and spa tourism.
November 2020 - October 2023
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